The degreaser Pragolod 33, in combination with surfactant component Pragolod DT 33, is a very efficient and nearly of neutral pH value degreasing bath suitable for removal of the residues of both grinding and polishing pastes from copper an its alloys, austenitic steel, ceramic and, with a constraint, aluminium and its alloys, steel and galvanized steel which, however, might be etched mildly at the process. The pH value of the bath varies within 7 – 8 which makes full use of the agent particularly for cleaning of polished brass parts. The agent is suitable for the degreasing operations accomplished by immersion or ultrasonic-assisted immersion.
Owing to its mild etching effect on the surface cleaned, the agent may be used as a flash rust stripper. For this purpose, only the Pragolod 33 component otherwise recommended for the surface cleaning and neutralization just after the acid-based surface treatment operations (e.g. pickling) should be used for the preparation of the etching bath.
Running conditions of the bath
Way of application | Concentration recommended | Bath temperature (°C) | Exposure time | |
Pragolod 33 | Pragolod DT 33 | |||
Immersion | 2,0 - 5,0 % | 1,0 - 2,0 % | 60 - 85°C | 2 - 10 min. |
Ultrasonic cleaning | 1,0 - 3,5 % | 0,5 - 2,0 % | 55 - 80°C | 1 - 5 min. |
Cleaning, neutralization | 1,5 - 3,0 % | - | 20 - 40°C | 1 - 3 min. |
Pragolod 54 je deemulgující středně alkalický odmašťovací přípravek, vhodný zejména pro odmašťování oceli, pozinkované oceli a ferrozinku. Přípravek je určen pro průmyslové odmašťování ve vanách, komorových nebo průchozích postřikových odmašťovacích strojích nebo v ultrazvukových čistících zařízeních. Vzhledem k deemulgujícímu charakteru by měl být tento přípravek aplikován pouze v zařízeních, která mají možnost kontinuálně nebo periodicky odstraňovat oddělenou olejovou fázi (např. olejovým odlučovačem, separátorem apod.) a při ponorovém způsobu odmaštění by zařízení mělo být vybaveno přestřikem hladiny. Přípravek má potlačenou pěnivost a tudíž je vhodný i pro aplikaci postřikem. Případné další snížení pěnivosti odmašťovací lázně lze dosáhnout jednorázovým přídavkem odpěňovacího přípravku Pragolod AF 54 nebo Pragolod AF 50.
Pracovní podmínky
Aplikace | Doporučená koncentrace | Teplota (°C) | Expoziční doba (min.) |
Ponor | 1 - 6 % | 60 - 85 | 2 - 8 |
Postřik | 0,5 - 2 % | 55 - 75 | 0,5 - 2 |
Ultrazvuk | 1 - 5 % | 55 - 75 | 0,5 - 3 |
Pragolod 54 is a low-emulsifying and medium alkaline degreaser suitable for industrial degreasing of steel, galvanized steel and ferrozinc in degreasing containers, spraying chambers or passing-through machines and in ultrasonic-assisted cleaning appliances. Owing to its deemulsifying performance, the agent should be only applied if continual or periodic removal of separated oils is possible e.g. by oil separators or skimmers. In case of the immersion degreasing the bath should be equipped with an overspraying of the bath surface. Due to a limited foamability the agent is operating properly even in the spraying application of the degreasing bath and, if further suppression of foaming is demanded, the defoamers Pragolod AF 54 or Pragolod AF 50 may be added in one dose.
Running conditions of the bath
Way of application | Concentration recommended | Bath temperature (°C) | Exposition (min.) |
Immersion | 1 - 6 % | 60 - 85 | 2 - 8 |
Spraying | 0,5 - 2 % | 55 - 75 | 0,5 - 2 |
Ultrasonic cleaning | 1 - 5 % | 55 - 75 | 0,5 - 3 |
Pragolod 58 is a cleaning agent of medium alkalinity suitable for both immersion as well as spraying degreasing the substrates made of steel, cast iron and copper and its alloys just before further surface treatment processes, such as lacquering and galvanizing and for a rough degreasing before electroplating. Moreover, it may be also used either for the vibrational polishing processes, employing small glass beads together with the powdery agent, of the parts made of both ferrous and non-ferrous metals, or for direct incorporation into the tumbling barrels.
Running conditions of the bath
Way of application | Concentration recommended | Bath temperature (°C) | Exposition (min.) |
Immersion | 1 - 7 % | 50 - 80 | 2 - 10 |
Spraying | 0,5 - 3 % | 50 - 85 | 1 - 5 |
Tumbling | 2 - 5 % | okolí | 10 - 200 |
Alkaline low-emulsifying degreaser for immersion degreasing of steel and its alloys, steel and cast iron. The agent contains alkalis which will ensure degreasing together with pickling of aluminium and its alloys in one bath. The agent is formulated to enable the degreasing bath regeneration by ultrafiltration or microfiltration.
Running conditions of the bath
Way of application | Concentration recommended | Bath temperature (°C) | Exposition (min.) |
Immersion | 2,5 - 5 % | 65 - 85 | 5 - 8 |
Medium alkaline and highly efficient agent for both immersion and ultrasonic-assisted degreasing of steel, cast iron, aluminium and copper and their alloys. A higher content of non-ionic surfactants and dispergators with easy biodegradability will ensure good degreasing efficiency at the temperature above 55°C.
Running conditions of the bath
Way of application | Concentration recommended | Bath temperature (°C) |
Immersion | 0,5 - 4 % | 60 - 85 |
Spraying | 0,2 - 1,5 % | 55 - 80 |
Ultrasonic cleaning | 0,2 - 2 % | 55 - 80 |
Medium alkaline degreaser convenient for immersion, spraying and ultrasonic-assisted degreasing of steel, cast iron, aluminium and copper and their alloys. The agent contains low-foaming and easily biodegradable non-ionic surfactants with very good degreasing performance.
Way of application | Concentration recommended | Bath temperature (°C) |
Immersion | 1 - 5 % | 60 - 85 |
Spraying | 0,5 - 1,5 % | 55 - 80 |
Ultrasonic cleaning | 1 - 3 % | 55 - 80 |
Mildly alkaline degreaser of a very high performance for both immersion as well as ultrasonic-assisted degreasing of steel, cast iron, aluminium and copper and their alloys. The agent contains a higher concentration of efficient and biodegradable non-ionic and anionic surfactants of outstanding degreasing performance. The agent is formulated to enable the degreasing bath regeneration by microfiltration.
Running conditions of the bath
Way of application | Concentration recommended | Bath temperature (°C) | Exposition (min.) |
Immersion | 0,5 - 5 % | 60 - 85 | 2 - 10 |
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